Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 5

Beginning of the semester we learned that Futran was going to provide us with a few parts and ship them as soon as they can. We now figured that it is highly likely that these shipments will be delayed until after this semester. Without any drawings of bogie or a definite product, we must decide our own dimensions and structures.

I've begun to research what wheels to use in our bogie which would possible have one master connected to a slave on one bogie and the other as a full slave.

2 main driver wheels (forged steel) @ 350 mm diameter
4 pilot wheels

8 wheels for slave

Possibilities include :
Longboard Wheels @ 75mm
Pro scooter Wheels @ 100 mm
Forged Steel Wheels @ undetermined
Cast Iron Wheels @ undetermined

Essentially, the longboard or scooter wheels are just to get the concept. They most likely wont be able to handle a max load of 2000 kg unless we do some testing. Our preferred material must be able to require the least amount of maintenance yet provide comfort and quietness. It is inevitable that we sacrifice one, which would be quietness.

Week 4

Septermeber 20th

This day was the first official presentation of our bogie team, I worked on the power point along with the team, looking through the rubric of what we must present. I focused on challenges or factors that could affect our focus on the bogie. I also focused on presenting our latest drawing.

Drawings from Futran came but it was only of the hanging brackets and track. No bogie. Gotta continue ideas.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week 3

This is a sketch i drew from what Dan, another team member, suggested how the track would switch left or right. This is from our conception of how the Futran track works.

Monday, September 11, 2017

The second week of class my group began to identify the Futran track design. This track is different than our in the way that the bogie requires significantly less wheels. Although we have yet to receive the CAD model of the track and bogie, my group had thought of a way to analyze the track and think of a way for the bogie to turn. There can be an additional rail on the top of the track so the the bogie will lean on one side and will either turn or go straight. My opinion on that was that we are trying to avoid leaning but it may be inevitable.